Provides unified getter/setter methods for storing the user/global preference items
webpg. | Provides unified getter/setter methods for storing the user/global preference items |
Functions | |
init | Ensures the definition of webpg.background is available to the webpg.preferences class |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “enabled” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides methods to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “decorate_inline” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides methods to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “gmail_integration” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides methods to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “gmail_action” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides methods to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “encrypt_to_self” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides method to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “gnupghome” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides method to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
clear | Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset) |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “enabled_keys” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides method to get the preference item |
add | Provides method to add the preference item |
remove | Provides method to remove the key from the preference item |
clear | Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset) |
length | Returns the length of items stored in preference |
has | Determines if keyid is contained in the preference item |
webpg. | Provides methods to get/set the “default_key” preference |
Functions | |
get | Provides method to get the preference item |
set | Provides method to set the preference item |
clear | Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset) |
Provides methods to get/set the “gmail_action” preference
0: Do not use WebPG by default for gmail messages 1: Encrypt by default for gmail messages 2: Sign by default for gmail messages 3: Sign & Encrypt by default for gmail messages 4: Symmetric Encryption by default for gmail messages
Provides methods to get/set the “enabled_keys” preference
Functions | |
get | Provides method to get the preference item |
add | Provides method to add the preference item |
remove | Provides method to remove the key from the preference item |
clear | Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset) |
length | Returns the length of items stored in preference |
has | Determines if keyid is contained in the preference item |
Ensures the definition of webpg.background is available to the webpg.preferences class
init: function( browserWindow )
Provides methods to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides methods to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides methods to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides methods to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides method to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides method to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( value )
Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset)
clear: function()
Provides method to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to add the preference item
add: function( keyid )
Provides method to remove the key from the preference item
remove: function( keyid )
Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset)
clear: function()
Returns the length of items stored in preference
length: function()
Determines if keyid is contained in the preference item
has: function( keyid )
Provides method to get the preference item
get: function()
Provides method to set the preference item
set: function( keyid )
Provides method to clear the preference item (erase/unset)
clear: function()